Lost episode: Unikitty: Crazy kitty

Twas a hectic day in the Warner Bros studios. People were mentally and physically exhausted from all the recent work on the Teen Titans go movie. Yep,what a fine day it was to be a storyboard artist. Working on 3 different shows, no sleep and my hand hurted. "can this day get any worse?" I say to no one in particular. Just then a few pieces of paper are handed to me by the guy in back of me. I took the papers and examine them. I sigh and turn around so he can see me. "what is this another episode?" he shook his head "no it's a storyboard jam. It's basically just I big crew vent thing" I looked at the papers; a sick smile spread across my face. I took my pencil and started drawing.
When I was done with my epic master piece I stood up and turned it in. I walked to my desk feeling better and oddly proud of my work. I sat on my chair and worked on actual episodes.
It has been a few weeks since the storyboard jam thing. Its a real shame we only get to do one once a month. I was in the break room getting some coffee when the man who had his office behind mine ran up to me and shook me hard. "did you place the storyboard jam in the 'done' inbox?" he said breathing heavily. "what?" I say utterly confused on what was going on right now. "DID YOU OR NOT!" HE SCREAMED at me "y-yeah I think I did" I studder a bit. He let's me go a mutters a slu of cureses. He pulls his hair then looks at me then takes a deep breath. "remember when we did that storyboard jam? " I nodded furyusly "well since you placed in the bin, they shipped it to Korea and made it an actual episode " he says. The color immediately drops and I start to panic. "Wha-HOW?" he looks at me, tears in his eyes. He curls up into a ball and starts repeating "we are so fired' I look at him and touch his shoulder "maybe it's not that bad" I say trying to lighten the mood. I thought long and hard and said "when is the episode set to air?" he froze, his eyes slowly but surely making their way to met mine. My blood went cold when I was told "it already aired "
I remember the huge controversy like it was yesterday. I was a wee lassy, very cute, very innocent until that faithful day. I was at home that day. School was out so I hadn't worry about homework or such things. I was being taken care of by my wonderful babysitter Emma, who was like a sister to me in all ways possible. Emma was in the kitchen making brownies for me, while I was in the living room watching my favorite channel of all time Cartoon network. Sure I liked Teen Titans go and OK K.O but my favorite cartoon at the time just had to be Unikitty. It was fun colorful and above all it had a cute pink kitty. Witch are two of my favorite things. So anyway I was laying there on the floor with my crayons coloring my picture when I heard the man on the TV say "now a new episode of Unikitty " when I heard that I stopped coloring and sat Chris cross to look at the TV.
Emma then walked over to me and said "I'll be back. I'm going to buy groceries that your mum told me to buy" she gave me a kiss on the head and headed out. Just in time to as the episode began. It started with an outside view of the castle as the camera panned in. Then you see the episodes title "Crazy Kitty". As the camera pans in you can hear Unikitty say "I agree puppy corn. Warner Bros should pay us more money I mean we are cartoons after all" Puppycorn then nods in agreement. Just then Richard then fades in and says "you know princess you shouldn't be greedy, just be happy with the job you have now" he then fades away.
I was a bit confused on why Unikitty wanted money of all things but I brushed it off.
Just then Hawkodile walks in with a strange substance all over his beak. Unikitty points this out by saying "hey Hawk, what's that white stuff all over your face? " Hawkodile is visibly nervous as he quickly dismisses the question by studering "n-nothing! What's on your face?!" he then run past Unikitty and Puppycorn. Puppycorn and Unikitty look back at each other then shrugged it off.
The next scene was Hawkodiles room only it was dark and there was only small light shining towards Hawks little desk. It sounded like Hawk was sick because he made a snorting sound. The camera then switched to a shot of Hawkodile rising his head. When he rose he beak was covered in an white powder substance. I was only a kid, I didn't know what any of this was. It was all new to me.
Hawkodile then stood up and turned to leave when a voice was heard. "Hawkodile? " it was Richard looking absolutely mortified at what just happened. Hawkodile backed up "r-rick I-" Hawkodile was cut off by Richard "you've been doing cocaine. But why?" Hawkodiles eyes then started to water then he just full on broke down. "I'm sorry Rick I really am it's just been so hard lately and Dr. Fox doesn't even look at me and-" "I won't tell " Richard said. Hawkodile looked confused "why " he asked. Richard took a deep breath and explained himself "look the kingdoms economy right now is going down and if we get another master frown terroist attack we are done. We can't afford anyone else " Hawkodile wiped his tears. "now come on we can't have Unikitty find this" Richard said referring to the line of coke still visible on the desk. Hawkodile nondded as put the rest in a bag under the board of wood.
As the two left the dojo it Unikitty revealed her from hiding. She come out from under the chair and ripped the floor board off, revealing the bag of coke. "so Hawkodile thinks he can just hide his stash from me" she says as she takes the bag. The scene then fades to black.
Then cuts back to inside of the castle were Puppycorn is walking around in the halls calling for Unikitty. He then bumps into Dr.fox. he says "hey Dr. Fox " in his usual cheery tone "have you seen Unikitty I've been looking for her all day" Dr. Fox taps her lips then shakes her head "nope sorry puppycorn I haven't seen her either " Puppycorn looks out the window "maybe we should ask that guy" puppycorn pointed out. Dr. Fox looked over to be horrified at what she saw. She grabbed puppycorn by the collar and said "you retard! That's not a guy that's Unikitty! "
I was shocked at what the episode showed. Forget the fact that Dr.fox just said the R word, Unikitty looked even worse. Her bright blue horn was now sickly mixed shade of blue and red, her tail was brown in some parts and red in others. Not to mention it messy and spiky. Her mouth was no longer small and cute it was big and scary. She had yellow human teeth and a big smile. Her pupils were dilated and shaking. Her nose was filled with cocaine.
By this point I was desperately looking for the remote to change this hell. But as I looked for the remote something grabbed me by the back forced me to sit down. I opened my eyes to see who it was. The man who was holding me down was non other than Kevin tsujihara. My eyes stung from all the crying I've been doing. Kevin held my head towards the TV and kept my eyes open, forcing me to watch this hideous abomination.
The episode continued as Unikitty was terrorizing the town. It then cut to Puppycorn and Dr. Fox in the lab. Puppycorn turned desperately to Dr. Fox "W-whats happened to her why is she all scary " Puppycorn whined. Dr. Fox was at her computer, typing some code. "ugh I don't know dipshit now stop asking me " Puppycorn then cried a hyperrealistic cry. That cry lead Hawkodile and Richard to the scene. "what's going on? " Richard asks. "isn't obvious to find a way to kill Unikitty! " she says exasperated. Richard Freezes "wait What?!" Hawkodile steps in "wait you can't just kill the princess" he protested. Puppycorn hears this and cries even harder. Dr. Fox ignores all of this and grabs a 357 sig. She then shoots puppycorn in the face.Blood is splattered across the lab and on to Hawkodiles face. Hawkodile stands there, soaking all of what just happened in. "what the FUCK?!" Richard crys but Dr. Fox just ignores it and leaves in Unikitty's sunshine plane.
Dr. Fox pulls out a tracking device to locate Unikitty. The device then closes up on a red dot. "frown town eh, I knew you would target him" Dr fox then drives to frown town. Upon entering frown town Dr. Fox is greeted with multiple fires and a lot of dead lego people. She fly's over the once functionol society with disappointment. The tracking device then beeps and she finally comes face to face with Unikitty.
She landed to find Unikitty feasting on master frowns corpse. Dr. Fox holds up the gun aiming directly at the head. Unikitty swiftly turns around and sees the gun. She spits out a piece of Lego meat and says "come on d-dr. Fox it's me Unikitty " she says with those blood stained teeth "Unikitty doesn't do drugs " and with that said Dr. Fox pulled the trigger and Unikittys brains flew everywhere and the scene faded to black.
I had stopped crying, I had stopped pissing, I had stopped feeling altogether. I looked to see if Kevin was still there but he wasn't and the remote was right in front of me. I picked it up and pissed a second time when a yellow background appeared and cheery music started playing. Then Hawkodile appeared on screen and said "hey kids drugs are no laughing matter so don't do 'em, unless you want to end up dead" Unikitty then popped up and said "like me!" cheerfully. After that a promo for we bear bears played I have never looked at Unikitty the same way again.
After this whole fiasco my babysitter got fired and I got therapy for life. The people who made this episode were forever blacklisted in the animation industry and the episode was burned by Cartoon network. Don't know if other people have this episode of so then OK I guess.